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Bringing Her Hope

Each episode I invite a girlfriend on the podcast to share not only the story that God is writing for her but the story God is redeeming in her life. I can’t wait for you to meet each and every one of these amazing women who I know will inspire you to also live out the story God is calling you to and to give you hope that He will be faithful to redeem your story as well!

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  • Bringing Her Hope Podcast: S9 E8 Financial Freedom with Eternal Impact with Linda and Bob Lotich

    Monday, November 7, 2022

    41 minutes

    My guests this week are Linda and Bob Lotich. Bob found himself at his breaking point in his early 20s, overwhelmed by debt and stranded 1,000 miles from home with only $7 to his name. After crying out to God for wisdom and discovering a simple Biblically inspired formula, he reached a level of financial freedom he and Linda never dreamed possible. Now, Bob and Linda teach others principles, mindsets, and specific strategies needed to experience true financial freedom to impact the world around them.   Connect with Linda and Bob Lotich:  https://seedtime.com/  https://www.instagram.com/seed...

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  • Bringing Her Hope Podcast: S9 E7 Learning to love again with special guest Alisa Carillo-Stafford

    Monday, October 24, 2022

    1 hour 5 minutes

    My guest today is  Alisa Carrillo-Stafford.  In  2003 Alisa's husband passed away. She thought it was the end of her love story. But after years of wandering and wrestling with the Lord.  God gave her a new perspective and taught her how to love again.    Connect with Alisa:   Alisacarrillo@yahoo.com  https://www.facebook.com/alisa.carrillostafford   https://www.instagram.com/healing.horse   It's not too late to grab your tickets to the Bringing Her Hope Conference!  https://hope1079.ticketleap.com/the-bringing-her-hope-conference/

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  • Bringing Her Hope Podcast: S9 E6 Fierce Faith with special guest Alli Worthington

    Monday, October 10, 2022

    21 minutes

    This week's guest is the speaker of the Bringing Her Hope Conference, Alli Worthington. Alli almost lost her husband multiple times after years of illness; miraculously, God healed his lungs. Join us on the journey with Alli as she shares how God gave her fierce faith to navigate it all. Connect with Alli: https://alliworthington.com/ https://www.instagram.com/alliworthington/ https://www.facebook.com/alli.worthington https://alliworthington.com/topics/podcast/ Join us and Alli at ...The Bringing Her Hope Conference: HOPE 107.9 FM welcomes guest speaker Alli Worthington to the Bringing H...

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  • Bringing Her Hope Podcast: S9 E5 Leaving Comfortable and Entering into the Unknown with Niki and Kirk Zweigle

    Monday, September 26, 2022

    49 minutes

    My guests today are Niki and Kirk Zweigle. Starting their family in Oklahoma was simple, fun, and fulfilling. So, leaving their comfortable life to take the next journey where God called them to be was an exciting adventure. Their adventure quickly turned into unfortunate circumstances as they faced illness, marital strain, and financial struggle, leaving them wondering what was next, all before ever stepping foot in Oregon.   Connect with Niki and Kirk:   Niki- https://www.facebook.com/nicole.zweigle.7/  Kirk: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010194933576   Niki: https://www.inst...

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  • Bringing Her Hope Podcast: S9 E4 How to Flourish as a Single Mom with special guest Hannah Benedict

    Monday, September 12, 2022

    48 minutes

    My guest this week on the Bringing Her Hope Podcast is Hannah Benedict. Raising two boys as a single mom was not the dream Hannah had hoped for, and during the messy and hard times, Hannah has learned that it’s not the circumstances but rather the One you trust that brings flourishing. Connect with Hannah: https://hannahbenedict.com/ https://www.facebook.com/counselinghannahbenedict info@hannahbenedict.com

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  • Bringing Her Hope Podcast: S9 E3 We didn't see that coming with special guests Jamie and Landon Baron

    Tuesday, August 30, 2022

    46 minutes

    My guests this week are Jamie and Landon Baron. Jamie and Landon knew they wanted to move overseas and serve as missionaries, and in 2016 that dream became a reality when they moved to Nicaragua. However, when the country broke out in civil unrest in 2018, they made an unexpected and emergent return to the states. What do you do when the story you dreamed of changes? How do you continue to posture yourselves with willing hearts to serve Jesus no matter where he calls you? Connect with Jamie and Landon: https://www.facebook.com/jamie.a.baron https://www.facebook.com/landon.baron https://www...

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  • Bringing Her Hope Podcast: S9 E2 Leaning into Jesus after loss with special guest Jacqueline Malcolm-Peck

    Monday, August 15, 2022

    25 minutes

    My guest this week is Jacqueline Malcolm-Peck. After the loss of her mother, Jacqueline discovered journal entries written by her mom about facing death and learning how to live. Her mom's words gave Jacqueline the courage she needed to embrace all that life offers and to trust in God's unfailing love while dealing with loss. Connect with Jacqueline: IG: @thesilentvoicesings FB: @thesilentvoicesings Website: www.thesilentvoiceseries.com Book Giveaway: https://woobox.com/vummw7 Purchase Jacqueline's Book: https://www.thesilentvoiceseries.com/buy-the-limited-edition

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  • Bringing Her Hope Podcast: S9 E1 When the end becomes the beginning with special guest Chikk

    Monday, August 1, 2022

    47 minutes

    My guest this week is singer and songwriter Chikk. Chikk was in a serious car accident and her entire life changed. Broken physically and spiritually--  Chikk found her voice, love, and true joy in the Lord.   Connect with Chikk:  @thechikkexperience (Instagram and TikTok)  http://www.thechikkexperience.com   http://www.theexperience.university

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  • Bringing Her Hope Podcast: S8 E10 Trusting God in the Midst of Trials with special guests Kristy and Aaron Taylor

    Monday, May 23, 2022

    54 minutes

    My guests today are Kristy and Aaron Taylor. In March of 2020, Aaron got sick with COVID and it hit him hard.  Within a matter of days, he was hospitalized and thus began a several-month journey of miracles, redemption, and experiencing God's love and grace like never before.   https://www.facebook.com/PastorAaronTaylor  https://www.instagram.com/pastoraarontaylor/  https://www.instagram.com/crossfirechurch/  https://www.facebook.com/pastorkristy  https://www.instagram.com/mrskristytaylor  www.mycrossfire.com   Purchase Aaron's book- https://www.amazon.com/You-Love-Experiencing-Extending-Tr...

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  • Bringing Her Hope Podcast: S8 E9 Beyond Impossible with special guests Tracy and Randal Dowdy

    Monday, May 9, 2022

    55 minutes

    This week's Bringing Her Hope Podcast guests are Tracy and Randal Dowdy. After eight years of marriage,  Tracy and Randal found themselves divorced and broken.  But miraculously, after not speaking with or seeing one another for five years, they reunited, and God restored their marriage.  Connect with Tracy and Randal: https://www.randalandtracy.com/ https://www.facebook.com/randalandtracy https://www.linkedin.com/in/randal-and-tracy-611544223 https://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Impossible-Visitation-Brought-Marriage-ebook/dp/B09GM751BG Book Giveaway: https://bringingherhope.com/project/beyond-im...

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  • Bringing Her Hope Podcast: S8 E8 Reconciling With God After Loss with special guest Summer Shore

    Monday, April 25, 2022

    35 minutes

    My guest this week on the Bringing Her Hope podcast is Hope 1079's newest team member and can be heard on weekday evenings from 7 PM to 9 PM PST, Summer Shore.  After enduring two miscarriages and walking with a family friend through the tragic loss of their 2-year-old child, something in Summer broke and she couldn’t pray anymore. Her faith had been stretched so far that she feared her faith and heart might never recover. But God was tender and patient with her in her grief and worked tirelessly to heal her fragile heart and redeem her pain for a purpose.    Connect with Summer:  https://e...

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  • Bringing Her Hope Podcast: S8 E7 When past brokenness doesn't define you with special guest Amanda Shaw

    Monday, April 11, 2022

    58 minutes

    My guest this week on the Bringing Her Hope podcast is Amanda Shaw. Amanda didn't think it was possible to get freed from homelessness, physical abuse, and drug addiction until she met Jesus and His healing touch. Connect with Amanda:  https://www.facebook.com/ajmassey3 https://www.instagram.com/theamandajoshow/ http://many-mansions.org/

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  • BHH: S8 E6 Navigating Love & Marriage after Trauma with special guests Lindsey and Dusty Cooper

    Monday, March 28, 2022

    1 hour 1 minute

    My guests this week are Lindsey and Dusty Cooper.  After surviving several years of sexual abuse Lindsey met the love of her life. She never wanted her past to prevent her from experiencing a healthy, committed relationship with the man she loved.    Lindsey and her husband Dusty of now 16 years, recall what it is like to navigate life post-sexual trauma, and how they commit daily to love each other well.    Connect with Lindsay and Dusty Cooper:   Personal: @cooperfam5  Identity Dance: @identitydance_co  Identity Events: @identity_eande  facebook.com/lindsey.a.cooper.9   Identity Dance Com...

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  • BHH S8 E5 How to get free from addiction with special guest Wendy Noll

    Monday, March 14, 2022

    38 minutes

    My guest this week is Wendy Noll. In Wendy's experience,  hitting bottom in addiction can be described as a place where the Cornerstone met the foundation! God met Wendy in her surrender and thus began a humble transformation of ‘Ashes to Beauty.   Connect with Wendy:  Facebook:  WendyNollMinistriesAshestoBeauty  Instagram:  ashes_to_beauty1  Twitter:  @AshestoBeauty19  Website: www.wendynollministries.com  Email: info@wendynollministries.com   Book Giveaway link: www.bringingherhope.com/projects/how-to-get-free-from-addiction-with-wendy-noll

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  • BHH S08 E04 What you don't see with special guest Heather McMillan

    Monday, February 28, 2022

    57 minutes

    My return guest on the Bringing Her Hope podcast is Heather McMillan. In Season 6, Episode 4, Heather shared how to thrive in the midst of catastrophe, and now she is back to share part two of her story. Let me tell you, this isn't just a story but a shocking turn of events. Connect with Heather: www.wechoosevirtues.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/961490220722780/ https://www.facebook.com/helen.mae.315080 Season 6 Ep 4: How to thrive in the midst of catastrophe https://bringingherhope.com/project/how-to-thrive-in-the-midst-of-catastrophe-with-heather-mcmillan/

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  • S8: Episode 3 Embrace the Truth God has for your future with special guest Jessica Hottle

    Monday, February 14, 2022

    32 minutes

    My guest this week is author, Jessica Hottle. Jessica has watched God take her bitter self-righteousness and turn her heart into one with compassion and empathy. Through God and His tenderness towards her, she has been able to help other women know their worth and value are not in the world but in His word.   Connect with Jessica:  http://www.instagram.com/jessicahottle   http://www.facebook.com/jessicahottle22   http://www.jessicahottle.com   To purchase Jessica's book: https://www.amazon.com/Face-Off-Your-Feelings-Embrace/dp/B09M53NV88   Book Giveaway: https://bringingherhope.com/project/...

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  • S8: Episode 2 How to serve in ministry as a family with special guests Kelsey and Chad Wallen

    Monday, January 31, 2022

    60 minutes

    My guests on the Bringing Her hope podcast are Kelsey and Chad Wallen.   It’s one thing to serve in ministry as a single or even a married couple, but this week we unpack the topic of how you can serve in ministry as a family? How to seek God for that ministry? How to be on the same page? And how to keep boundaries for the health of your family while you serve?   From day 1 of Kelsey and Chad's dating and married life, James 1v27 has been the verse that has guided their family’s decisions and ways they serve Jesus. God has blessed them with three beautiful girls, and together their family h...

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  • S8: Episode 1 How to live a life on purpose after loss with special guest Brenda Reagh-Cline

    Monday, January 17, 2022

    51 minutes

    My guest today is Brenda Reagh-Cline. After the loss of her spouse and best friend of 34 years, Brenda is learning to lean into the Lord by trusting Him to lead her through all while allowing God to help her minister to other widows walking out the same journey.   Connect with Brenda:  https://www.facebook.com/bjreagh  https://www.instagram.com/brendareagh/?hl=en

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  • S7: Episode 10 One Survivor’s Rescue from Human Trafficking with special guest Andi Buerger

    Monday, November 8, 2021

    43 minutes

    Show Notes: My guest today is a speaker and author Andi Buerger. For the first 17 years of Andi's life's existence was defined by abuse and human trafficking … victimized by her own family.  Andi couldn't imagine surviving, much less living a life where she would one day share her story and help others through their own abuse.   Connect with Andi:  andi@voicesagainsttrafficking.com  Facebook.com/AndiBuerger  Twitter: @Andijbuerger https://www.instagram.com/andijbuerger/  https://www.youtube.com/user/andibuerger  https://www.andibuerger.com/

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  • S7: Episode 9 Healing The Heartbreak Of Abortion with special guest Cari Malpass

    Monday, October 25, 2021

    1 hour 4 minutes

    When Cari was 19, she believed the lie that abortion would bring her freedom from her life struggles, but instead, it left her with feelings of shame. But with the Lord’s healing and forgiveness, He removed the shame and replaced it with a banner marked with the freedom only He can offer. To Connect with Cari: Jewel on His Crown- https://www.facebook.com/Jewel-on-His-Crown-102888852183342 Cari Malpass- https://www.facebook.com/cari.malpass Cari Malpass -https://www.instagram.com/carimalpass/  www.bringingherhope.com/project/healing-the-heartbreak-of-abortion-with-cari-malpass

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  • S7: Episode 8 Unraveling Forgiveness with special guests Stephanie and Kyle Koontz

    Monday, October 11, 2021

    51 minutes

    Today, return guest Stephanie Koontz, and her husband Kyle Koontz joins the conversation for the first time.  You can take a listen to Stephanie's first podcast episode with us to get her back story https://bringingherhope.com/project/desperate-to-fit-in-with-stephanie-koontz/   Part two of this journey...  Stephanie shares that the damage was done, and divorce was inevitable. Stephanie was convinced that her husband, Kyle, would never change, and she deserved to be happier than this marriage could ever offer. God's whisper was clear, "Thirty-one days to forgiveness; start writing."     Tod...

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  • S7: Episode 7 Wife, Widow, Now What with special guest Rachel Engstrom

    Monday, September 27, 2021

    46 minutes

    My guest this week on the Bringing Her Hope Podcast is author Rachel Engstrom.  Rachel shares her journey in a raw and honest way as she went from  a Cancer Wife to a Widow to asking  God  Now What? Connect with Rachel:    Facebook- https://m.facebook.com/wife.widow.now.what/   Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/wifewidownowwhat/?hl=en Twitter- @wifewidownowwh  To purchase Rachel's book: https://www.amazon.com/Wife-Widow-Now-What-Navigated/dp/B08KBV5DBL/ref=nodl_#immersive-view_1601477867868   Enter to win Rachel's book:https://woobox.com/h2kv4n

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  • S7: Episode 6 Undeniable Miracles in the face of Unbeatable Odds with special guest Stefanie Calhoun

    Monday, September 13, 2021

    1 hour 3 minutes

    Stefanie Calhoun's story is one of a lifetime of chronic sickness and a stage 4 cancer diagnosis at age 32. It is a story of undeniable miracles in the face of unbeatable odds. It is the place where she connected to Jesus in ways she could never have imagined.    Connect with Stefanie:  https://www.instagram.com/stefcreates4him/?hl=en   https://jesusbeforecoffee.blogspot.com

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  • S7: Episode 5 Leaning into a hopeful future as a special needs parent with special guest Marcia Nathai- Balkissoon

    Monday, August 30, 2021

    57 minutes

    You never know how one event can change your life forever. My guest this week on the Bringing Her Hope podcast is Marcia Nathai- Balkissoon.  Marcia's daughter, Emma, was born with a congenital heart issue and due to a medical mistake following open-heart surgery at only 8 months old, Emma was left severely brain-damaged. Marcia and her family found themselves in a new world: coming to terms with their new reality, isolation, endless healthcare appointments, and unplanned expenses, among many other new trials.   To connect with Marcia:    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marcianathaibal...

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  • S7: Episode 4 Bringing Her Hope Podcast: S7 Ep 4 How to live a comparison-free life with special guest Heather Creekmore

    Monday, August 16, 2021

    44 minutes

    My guest today is author Heather Creekmore. She was a “good girl” who kept the rules and never felt like she had much of a testimony. But, it wasn’t until she was in her late thirties that she saw how her lifelong obsession with body image was a sin separating from God. I almost had a reconversion experience when I saw the stronghold that sin had in this “good girl’s” life and when I confessed and repented of this sin. God has been working in my life to show me other areas of hidden sin in my heart too since this time. His grace is good.  Today we are unpacking the topic of How to live a co...

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  • Bringing Her Hope Podcast S7 EP3 Embracing Your Single Mom Life with special guest Susee Fox

    Monday, August 2, 2021

    44 minutes

    My guest today is Susee Fox. Susee Fox is a single mother of four daughters. Originally from Oregon, she found her home in Waco, Texas where she teaches Language Arts at a public school. She is passionate about reading and writing and aspires to use her voice as a writer to encourage and build up single moms.    In 2018 Susee’s marriage of 9 years ended, and she went from being a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom of four kids to a single mother with no job, no family within 2,000 miles, and was looking for a homeless shelter for her daughters and her to live in. God took her through that plac...

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  • S7: Episode 2 How to navigate new beginnings after a loss with special guests Jennifer and Gregory Cummings

    Monday, July 19, 2021

    1 hour 5 minutes

    My guests today are Jennifer and Gregory Cummings. Gregory & Jennifer have experienced a lot of life over the last 14 years of being married and it does not seem to be slowing down. With multiple job changes, unexpected job losses, 8 moves, the birth of their 3 boys, the loss of 4 close family members, starting their path in real estate and most recently welcoming two nephews into their family all while navigating grief and blending two families amidst a pandemic. With all the ups and downs life throws at them they still manage to find joy in God's handy work in their lives. Connect with Je...

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  • S7: Episode 1 Praying for your future husband with special guest Cari Kates

    Monday, July 5, 2021

    49 minutes

    Cari Kates is a media consultant, coach, and talent, specializing in Christian music radio. Cari transitioned from a journey in stage acting to radio and television at the recommendation of a high school teacher. One college class of “Announcing for Radio & TV” and Cari was hooked. Her career in radio has taken her from a small station in Amarillo, TX to being the first female in Programming Leadership at K-LOVE and Air1 national networks. Cari had stops in Birmingham, AL (Roll Tide!), Fresno-Bakersfield, CA, and Nashville, TN along the way. Now she lives in the NYC Metro with her husband a...

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  • S6: E10 How to Navigate Betrayal with special guest Halley Faville

    Monday, June 7, 2021

    30 minutes

    My guest today is Halley Faville. Halley lives with her husband Jeff and their seven children in their mountain home in Oregon. Halley has experienced a number of betrayals in her life. With each time, she learned a new concept in how to respond in order for her heart to stay warm and free of bitterness, hatred, and anger. It hasn't been easy, but God has given her the grace to continue to love and serve people with the hope and joy that only He can provide. Connect with Halley: www.oaksofglory.com www.fruitlandcommunitychurch.org www.facebook.com/Oaks61.3

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  • S6: E9 How to serve right where you are at with special guest Danielle Dare

    Monday, May 24, 2021

    28 minutes

    My guest today is Danielle Dare. Danielle grew up in a small community in Southern NJ, not far from where she lives now, with her husband Bruce and their three children Emily, Natalie, and Ryan. The Dares are prayerfully working towards serving full time with Source of Light Ministries International, and Danielle is a partner with Trades of Hope, a business designed to create sustainability for those in extreme poverty As Danielle grew up, she dreamed of serving in full-time ministry and even married an assistant pastor! Through a sudden turn of events, her dream to become a missionary was ...

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